I'm not black, I’m Nigerian (Identity issues) Where I am from no one has ever called me black. Since I was born, I have always been Bibi or Bidemi. No color, no racial categories, no box! Fast-forward 20 years later, I find myself in a country where I'm termed "Black". Isn't that interesting? I am tired of feeling self-identity disclosure forms; I know you can choose not to feel them but sometimes I just scroll through the options hoping to see African or maybe someday Yoruba but all I get to choose is "African-American or Black descent". I get to put myself in a box I don't identify with. What does it mean to be African-American or of black descent? I don't know the slightest thing about being black in America. I don't have any ancestor that fought for the civil rights movement or suffered slavery that I know of. The concept of racism is not embedded in my subconscious. I am yet to be a victim of structural violence or systemic racism