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Showing posts from December, 2019

Prayers for 2020

Prayers for 2020 Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. It is good to have you here. Last week, I posted a few questions to help us reflect on the end of the year. If you haven't had a chance to do that, please click here . Personal reviews are important to help launch us into the next level of our lives. 2019 was such an interesting year for me. If there is something to describe it, it will be called "uncharted territories" because I moved to a new country, started working in a different industry and got married to the love of my life. It was absolutely filled with a lot of ups and down but I am eternally grateful to God for His mercies and grace. I don't know how your 2019 went but i'm glad that you're alive to read this today. I believe in the power of prayers and creating your reality in the place of prayers. This is the last post for the year 2019 and we can scream that we made it!!!  Prayers as we end 2019 and enter 2020 Holy Spirit

End of the year reflection questions

End of the year reflection questions Hi everyone, welcome back to my blog. Thank you so much for clicking this link, I pray that you continue to enjoy the love of God in this season and forever. Amen. 2020 is around the corner, can you believe it? It's a few days to the end of the year and I really love this time of the year. It’s time to stop, breathe and look back at the year. For me, I try not to beat myself up about goals I didn’t quite reach. It's no use crying over split milk.  Did you make a list of things to achieve at the beginning of this year? Find your list and let’s see how much you achieved. If you didn't achieve everything as planned, don't be too hard on yourself. Be kind to you, you deserve it. Celebrate the ones you achieved no matter how big or small it is. In a few days, people will be breaking their piggy bank and revealing how much they were able to save, perhaps too much happened this year that make you financially handicap. It


WHAT MAKES GOD SMILE?  By Oluwatoyosi Adegunle  Edited by Bibi Babatunde-Ikotun Your imagination is a blessing from God to picture beautiful things. Have you ever imagined God smiling? I have, and it is absolutely beautiful! Try it out,  close your eyes, think about it and picture it, It's beautiful, right? God smiles because he's pleased with us. He is just so mindful of us. Check out Psalms 8: 4- 8 (NIV): 4What is mankind that you are mindful of them,     human beings that you care for them?[c] 5 You have made them[d] a little lower than the angels[e]     and crowned them[f] with glory and honor. 6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands;     you put everything under their[g] feet: 7 all flocks and herds,     and the animals of the wild, 8 the birds in the sky,     and the fish in the sea,     all that swim the paths of the seas. When you stop to think of everything God has done to make you a believer, don't you just st

Questions to newly weds| Godly dating| Christian courtship

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. I can’t believe I didn’t post for two weeks, I missed everyone. Anyways, I was off getting married to the loved of my life that was why I was MIA, I believe you can forgive me for leaving you like this. Thank you so much for all the congratulatory messages, we appreciate your love, support and prayers. Let me show you a few pictures from the whole celebration.  Anyhoo, I am back like I never left and today myself and my husband will be answering questions we received on social media about our relationship and Christian dating in general. I hope you learn one or two things from our answers. I am so happy to be back guys, I missed you all. How did you two meet? You can see the full story on our wedding website here:  How did you know Busayo was the man for you? Bibi: Honestly, our values aligned so much that it was so surreal. In the past, I had dated people that I will tr