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Prayers for 2020

Prayers for 2020

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. It is good to have you here. Last week, I posted a few questions to help us reflect on the end of the year. If you haven't had a chance to do that, please click here. Personal reviews are important to help launch us into the next level of our lives.

2019 was such an interesting year for me. If there is something to describe it, it will be called "uncharted territories" because I moved to a new country, started working in a different industry and got married to the love of my life. It was absolutely filled with a lot of ups and down but I am eternally grateful to God for His mercies and grace. I don't know how your 2019 went but i'm glad that you're alive to read this today.

I believe in the power of prayers and creating your reality in the place of prayers. This is the last post for the year 2019 and we can scream that we made it!!! 

Prayers as we end 2019 and enter 2020

  • Holy Spirit of the living God, we thank you for keeping us throughout this year 2019. We are not ashamed to say we are nothing without you. We thank you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
  • We speak into the year 2020 that we are dominating in all things. We receive wisdom to rule in all aspects of our lives. In our health, in our finances, in our relationships, in our businesses/careers, we decree that we are ruling in the name of Jesus. We decree that nations and kings are coming to us in Jesus name.
  • Lord Jesus, we pray for peace in all the things that concern us. In 2020, we shall not run helter-skelter for we are grounded in Christ. The peace of God that surpasses all understanding is the order of the day in our relationships, marriages, businesses in Jesus Name. 
  • Lord Jesus, we pray for emotional stability throughout the year 2020. We also pray for our friends, family and acquaintances struggling emotionally. We ask that you heal their hearts and show them your unconditional love. Let them experience you like more than before in every emotional turbulence they are experiencing.
  • We commit our nation into your able hands, we speak against every spirit of chaos and disaster. We nullify every voice that brings up wars, disaccord, and shedding of blood. Your peace shall flow through the nations of the world in Jesus name.
  • We speak that the gospel shall gain more grounds in the year 2020. We decree that we will be actively part of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Though our voice, our finances, our social media, we shall preach the gospel! We declare that lives are being saved in the millions, relationships with you are being revitalised in Jesus name. More of our friends and enemies will come to the revelation of the gospel in 2020 in Jesus name.
  • We pray for those that desire a life partner, we ask that you connect them with godly men and women that will help establish your will on earth in their families. We come against all forms of counterfeit men and women sent to destroy their lives. We ask that they shall align with the bone of their bones and the flesh of this flesh this 2020 in Jesus name.
  • We pray for those that desire the fruit of the womb, we ask that they shall be visited in a supernatural manner this 2020. Every doctor report that is trying to speak contrary to God's word over their lives is nullified this minute in Jesus name. With Jesus joy shall they conceive, carry to full term and deliver safely in Jesus name.
  • We pray against all forms of sicknesses and infirmities. Because of the lamb slain, infirmities are not permitted in our bodies. We function after the spirit of life in Christ, therefore, sickness and death are not ours in Jesus name. From Malaria to typhoid to fibroids and hypertension, we destroy at the roots in the name of Jesus. We have health and life in abundance, that is our reality in Christ in Jesus name. Our health is secured already in Christ for 2020.
  • We commit our children into your hand's lord Jesus. We decree that they shall continue to grow physically, emotionally, intellectually in the name of Jesus. We speak against every man or woman that wants to molest them and we declare that our children are hidden in Christ. We declare that they are divinely protected from all evil. We receive supernatural resources to take care of them and divine knowledge from above to parent right them in Jesus name. 
  • We commit our parents into your hand's Lord, Jesus. We pray that you shall bless them with a long life. In the year 2020, they shall not mourn over us and we shall not mourn over them in Jesus name. We pray that they shall be aligned with the purpose you have created them to establish on this earth.
  • We pray against every form of natural disasters all over the world. We pray for the preservation of lives and properties. We ask that 2020 will not be a year of global catastrophes in the name of Jesus. 
  • We rebuke every agenda of the enemy against our faith in 2020. We shall grow in faith. We shall walk in purpose. We shall use our gifts and talents to glorify God. We shall add value to the body of Christ. Our faith shall continue to grow stronger no matter what is thrown our way.

All these we ask and more in the name of Jesus, amen.

If you are interested in more prayer points as we started a new year, here is the link to prayers for 2019. They are still relevant to every Christian.

I have officially created a podcast on anchorfm👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. I know many readers will prefer to listen to me talk about my content. It's easy, you can listen at work, on the road, in your room. My podcast is called Faithinspiration by Bibi, please subscribe here. New content every Monday at 7pm (WAT). 

See you in 2020!
With love,


  1. Amen in Jesus name! Congrats on your wedding once again. More grace!


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