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Prayers for women (Wives, Mothers, and friends)

Prayers for women (Wives, Mothers, and friends)

Hello, I hope you are having a wonderful week so far. Thanks so much for clicking this link, you are amazing and I pray that God meets you at the point of your needs in Jesus name, Amen. Quick housekeeping before I get into the reason you clicked the link if you’d like to get more of my amazing content please click the subscribe button above. It will ask for your email address, please enter your email address and click submit. That way you get my content straight in your email box and can share with your friends and family. Thank you.

I believe so much in the power of prayers because we know all God’s promises are Yes and Amen. (You can check out my most recent post on praying). So I figured since we are still celebrating women in the month of March, its a good time to pray for all women in our lives. I know some families have the woman as the spiritual leader, use this as an opportunity to nourish her spiritually. This post will guide in praying for your mothers, wives, daughters, friends, girlfriends, co-workers, the friendly woman in the market, the one that serves your food, etc. Every woman you are connected to deserve these prayers. Just take out a few minutes of your day to pray for them. If you are a woman reading this, take time to pray for yourself and other women around you as well. We can never pray too much.

Colossians 4:2 (NIV) Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

1.     We stand together against all forms of oppression over every woman in the world and we decree that women will receive social, economic, and political freedom globally in Jesus name.
2.  We pray that you break all forms of limitation mindset in every woman. Let every woman come to the knowledge that she the apple of your eyes and there is nothing she can’t achieve with God on her side despite whatever her current situation may be in Jesus name.
3.   We pray for every woman that has been held captive under the spirit of fear, we decree that God’s love will be revealed to them in Jesus name.
4.   We pray for the single women that desire to be married, that you will divinely give them a man after your own heart. A man that loves you more than anything in the world in Jesus Name.
5.  We pray for the married women that God will continually give them wisdom to actively raise a Godly home. We also pray that you will give their husbands divine wisdom to lead their home to your glory alone in Jesus name.
6.     We pray that God in his infinite mercies help women identify and nurture their God-given abilities and talents. They shall see themselves through your lens not what society tells them in Jesus name.
7.     We pray for broken marriages all over the world, Holy Spirit, we ask that your love be rekindled in that family in Jesus name. Every external force that is contributing to putting asunder to what you have joined, let them be convicted in their spirit in Jesus name.
8.  We pray oh Lord that you make men reasonable and responsible for their roles in families all over the world in Jesus name. We come against the spirit of mediocrity and bare-minimum husband-hood and fatherhood in Jesus name.
9.   We pray for waiting woman, expectant and new mothers all over the world. We ask that you shall bless the waiting with the fruit of the womb, you shall give the expectant the power to carry the baby to term in good health and new mums shall recuperate speedily in perfect health in Jesus name.
10. We pray that every woman finds their purpose early in life and receive diverse ministerial expressions in Jesus name.
11.  We pray oh lord for every woman/man, lady/guy, or child under the yoke of human trafficking worldwide in Jesus name, let divine help come their way in Jesus name.

Prayer is simply talking to God like a friend and should be the easiest thing we do each day. - Joyce Meyer

With love,

Let's be friends on social media, my handle is Bibilamour04 on all platforms.


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