Scriptures to help you meditate on God’s unconditional love Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Thank you so much for clicking on my link, I pray that all your heart desires are met in Jesus name. We celebrated Easter last weekend and it was a great time to meditate on the perfect love of God. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus birthed the ministry of reconciliation and all who believe in Jesus have been called into this ministry (Read 2 Corinthians 5:12-21 ). We have to tell everyone (regardless of their age, race, gender, sexual orientation or religion): God is not angry with them Their past, present and future sins are forgiven Jesus loves them genuinely just the way they are This message is for everyone including Christians. There are different levels to knowing God loves you. Some examples include “I know God loves me because I have never lacked anything good”, “I know God loves me because he answers my prayers”, “I know God is mindful of me