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Showing posts from November, 2021

What we've learned in 2 years of marriage - Christian couple

What we've learned in 2 years of marriage - Christian couple What have we learned in 2 years of marriage? As a Christian couple, we share the whole tea on our 2nd-year marriage journey so far. Hi lovelies, it's been 2 years of marriage with this awesome man.  As a Christian couple, we figured it will be nice to share some nuggets about the marriage journey so far. What has happened? What we've learned? we shared it all in the 2 years anniversary video. We answered 10 questions and shared Christian answers. We are wishing you all the very best in your marriages and relationships. I'd love to learn about your marriage as well. Let's be friends on social media; Twitter:​  Instagram:​  Check out my other videos: Lies about keeping your virginity and being celibate:​  How to stop masturbating/watching porn as a Christian:​ Managing sexual de

10 things Christian couples should talk about before marriage

10 things Christian couples should talk about before marriage by Bibi Babatunde-Ikotun Hi Bi-blings, it's been a hot minute I did a post on relationship and marriage. I guess it's timely because my 2 years wedding anniversary is next week and I'm in the romantic love space so I figured I might as well. So why is it important to discuss these things? Well, it's necessary because it eliminates a lot of headaches you may have along the way. It may not eliminate it all completely but there won't be any surprises. Imagine if after you said "I do", the person reveals that they are not interested in children and you want 2 kids. Where would you start from? There are so many conflicts that can be avoided altogether by having these difficult conversations before you say I do. Money Listen, money is very important in marriage. If you're not talking about your money habits now, you are setting yourself up for hard conversations down the line. Ask questions about

Does God love me personally?

Does God love me personally? by Bibi Babatunde-Ikotun Do you ever wonder if God loves you personally? Or you’re sharing His love with the rest of the world? After all, John 3.16 says For God so loved the world, the world is 7 billion people. How can He possibly love you? This is why it's easy for us to think of His love as generally divided amongst all humans, we never get to see it in the personal details of our life. But I want to remind you of the truth that his love for you is really personalized. Answer me this, d o you know that if you were the only human on earth, He would still have sacrificed His life for you? Romans 5:8 (NKJV) But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Sometimes we think God’s love for us is dependent on our love for him. Like if we ever stopped loving Him, He will decide to stop loving us. This is untrue because the bible tells us in 1 John 4.9  (NKJV) We love Him because He first loved us

Preparing your heart for in-laws (Video)

Preparing your heart for in-laws I was inspired by a conversation to speak on this topic. As believers, our outlook about in-laws especially mothers-in-law must be different. Whatever fear you have, take it to the Lord in prayer. It is better than wishing death on your mother-in-law. Listen, God is able to bless you with amazing in-laws. Even if they are not amazing you have the Holy Spirit to help you relate with them in love without getting tired. Please watch, like and comment on the video. With love, BIbi