Gospel album review - Jo Deep's "We are Deep" By Busayo Peter Ikotun and Bibi Babatunde-Ikotun Hi everyone, welcome back to my awesome faith and lifestyle blog. I hope you're doing well and keeping safe. I know it's hard and you miss all your friends and loved ones but hold on to God's word in these hard times. You can bank on His promise of an expected end at all times, stay with Jesus! He loves and cares about you even when you can't feel it. Stay with Jesus. Today's post written by my dear husband will help you stay with Christ through music. I hold Busayo dear to my heart and his music knowledge is mind-blowing. His taste in music is as impeccable as his taste in life because he married an amazing woman like me, lol. Are you looking to expand your playlist to include new and fresh sounds that portray the gospel of Jesus Christ succinctly in a relatable manner? Say no more, this post was made for you. I know how we can get into a rut of listening t