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Don't loosen it , revamp it.

Hi lovelies, So I have been on twists for about 2 months and some weeks now. Wow, that is the longest I have ever had the same style on. Anyways, it is still lovely. No itching, no funny odor and most importantly no loss of front hair. I decided to take out my hair this weekend but the more I loosened each twist the nicer it got. I then decided to transform it into a crochet kind of braid. Well it is absolutely gorgeous. I used Aussie sprunch mousse and leave-in conditioner (flexible hold) to moisturize and keep it in place. A mixture of hair conditioner and mouse would do the same trick.

The color mixture, the kinky extensions just makes it look so pretty, funky and sassy. It makes me feel so beautiful, confident and comfortable. People just stare at me all day thanks to my "unconventional hairdo". I have gotten loads of compliment and awkward stares. I won't lie, I love the attention. 

So the sad thing is I have to take it out this week to do something else. Its just one week for spring break before the next semester and I would be swamped into school work and busy life. Oh well, am glad I got to take lots of beautiful pictures for the future.

"For me, hair is an accoutrement. Hair is jewelry. It's an accessory." - Jill Scott

With love,
Bibi L'amour

I made my very first YouTube video, its about time I know. Kindly watch, subscribe and like.


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