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Cut them off!

It's a new year, hallelujah we made it to 2019! I am so in love with the beginning of a new year. It is the beginning of many new things. I pray that this year,  you will be congratulated beyond your wildest dreams. Amen. 🙏🏾 

So I saw a tweet this past week that talked  about the new year being an opportunity to cut "toxic" people out of your lives. The tweet got over 500 likes and a lot of people agreed in the comment session.. It got me thinking about this act of waiting till a new year to cut people off and go silent on them like they never existed. No explanations, nothing said.. However, contrary to this yearly ritual of cutting people off I think we should adopt a different approach this new year.

The new year is a great opportunity to mend my broken relationships that is edifying for us. How long will you hold a grudge against your dad or mum? How long will you be mad at your ex? How long will you fake a smile at your neighbor? Really, how long?

Rather than cutting more people out of your life, reach out to people that have wronged you and you may have wronged and try to make things right. Its a new year, a simple happy new year text or call is a great way to go back into that relationship.

What does mending relationships point to? Forgiveness.

There are somethings that happen in our lives and we think it is impossible for us to forgive. Someone burned you so deeply that you have carried that scar around and hold on to it as a source of inspiration for rage and continual anger. I have good news for you, there is nothing you can't forgive or take. Why? Check this out:

Romans 5:5 (NIV) And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

What is this verse trying to say? To me, it says that there is nothing we can't take or forgive because as Christian, we are naturally love beings. The love of God has been poured into us without our permission when we gave our lives to christ. So whether we like it or not, we have the capacity to forgive. It is in there. Don't let the devil make you think that an offense is so  unforgivable, it is. This is not me telling you to open toxic relationships that are terrible for you. This is me saying you are free to forgive. It is very possible to forgive someone and not be friends with them. We are not made to be friends with everyone and that is okay. However, we should not have any animosity towards them. You need agreement to be friends. If  you both don’t agree, forgive and part ways.

Amos 3:3 (NIV) Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?

However, if you think of them and your skin crawls. Have you really forgiven them? Forgiveness  is a process and you are the number 1 beneficiary of forgiveness. I have a friend that jokes that "unforgiveness is witchcraft". Simply because witches have to hold on to grudges, anger and rage to live an evil life. Please, forgive and mend relationships.You are not a witch 🙂.

So let's agree not to cut people off at the turn of every new year. However, we should use this opportunity to mend those relationships that are important to us and make us better people. Remember, the devil is the one lying to you that you can not forgive or receive forgiveness. You are capable of forgiving an letting go of the poison call unforgiveness. 

Ephesians 4:26-27 (NKJV)"Be angry, but do not sin": do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.

Say the following:
  • I am free to forgive
  • I am a love being
  • I will choose love over hatred everyday
  • No negativity will dwell in my heart
  • I forgive and let go of all who have hurt me
  • I am capable of recieving forgiveness no matter what 
It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody” - Maya Angelou

With love,


  1. Thanks for the admonition to forgive. It heals not just our relationships but ourselves. ❤️

  2. Thanks for this reminder. I went through this process in 2018 a couple times. Forgiveness is powerful.

    1. Thanks for sharing your truth, I’m inspired.❤️


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