More than conquerors
by Toyosi Adegunle
43 days to 2021🎉
I’m not about to ask you “what have you accomplished this year?” “Did you tick off your new year resolutions?” “What do you wish you had done better?” and any of those questions that make you think so hard and get worked up.
I just hope you know that you are more than a conqueror. Do you?
No lies, 2020 is one of those years that we won’t forget easily because it’s been a roller-coaster of events, emotions and everything in between that is energy-sapping, in spite of all these, you and I are more than conquerors. We rise above all the gut-feelings this year has brought to us personally and generally as citizens of respective countries, and we won’t also forget to thank God for the blessings and gifts that 2020 brought to us.
Romans 8:37
“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”
This scripture is your testimony and should be your confession because it’s the truth and as a believer, we live and move by the truth - Jesus, the son and word of God.
1. “Yet, in all these things…”: In spite of everything you may have gone through this year, the things that have made you cry profusely, the things that have made you extremely sad, the things that nearly made you lose hope and faith, the bad and horrible things you have experienced this year, the many times you’ve been broke, the times you doubted yourself and existence, in all these things, none of them are empowered enough to separate you from the love, grace and power of Jesus Christ, your Lord and Saviour.
2. “...We are more than conquerors”: What is higher or bigger than winning? What better name to give a winner or victor than ‘CONQUEROR’? I’m not a Professor of English, I’m not sure I know a bigger or better word than ‘conqueror’ but the word of God says you’re more than a conqueror! Wow! If God says you are more than a conqueror, take it, you are actually more than a conqueror in 2020!
3. “...through him who loved us”: It’s not through self-care, it’s not through self-righteousness, it’s not through the law, it’s not because you obeyed the 10 commandments but you are more than a conqueror through him who loved us. ‘Loved’ is past tense, which means you’ve been loved even before your existence, before your experiences this year, you’ve been loved, you are loved and you will be loved forever. You are who you are through the love of Jesus that makes you whole. Again, what can separate you from this love? Is it the Nigerian government? SARS? Lack of money? Sickness? Stress? Name it, none of these things mentioned and more can separate you from the love of God that strengthens you.
To say that 2020 has been eventful would be an understatement, and to also say that the Love God has pulled you through would also be an understatement because the love of God has done more for you! You have to see it.
Let’s affirm together:
“Yet, in all these things,
I __________ am more than a conqueror through him who loved me.
I am grateful for the year 2020
I am grateful I walked through this year with God.
I live, move and have my being in Jesus, the son and word of God.
I am assured that 2021 would be nothing short of greatness for me and my household!
I am not given the spirit of fear, but of love, power and sound mind to overcome”
Note from the Editor
This piece by Toyosi really touched me today, I hope it does the same for you. Above all, I hope you're encouraged and comforted.
Last Saturday was #WorldPurityDay and I did a video on this topic. Our stance as believers is different from the perspective of the world. Check it out!
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