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Why and How to put Jes

Why and How to put Christ in Christmas

by Bibi Babatunde-Ikotun

Merry Christmas! I know people tend to stay away from saying Merry Christmas and often go towards Happy Holiday's but I say Merry Christmas because it remains about Christ. In this season, families across the world celebrate together. It's the season to be jolly and there are presents exchanged, meals shared around the table, and all that warm and fuzzy stuff. But the truth remains, Christ who is the reason for the season is often missing from this celebration. How can it be the celebration of Christ's birthday and He isn't welcomed in many homes? It's absurd! 

I know historically, Christmas wasn't originally created surrounding the birth of Jesus. It was a pagan holiday that the church adopted and made it all about Christ. Learn about the history of Christmas here. I know of many believers that refuse to celebrate Christmas because they still view it in that light and everyone is entitled to their practices. But I'll say this, the dates you celebrate Easter is most definitely not the exact date of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection but there is a choice to commemorate it sometime in April. This should be the lens through which we view Christmas, not the exact date but something worthy of celebration. Without Christmas, there can't easter. And without easter, I don't want to imagine what the world will be like.

In summary, Christ is the reason for the season. Gift exchanges are nice, Santa Claus is fascinating, spending time with your loved ones is great! However, Christmas is not about these things. It is about the light of the world who is Jesus.

Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV) For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Above is Isaiah's prophetic declaration about God coming down as man! Look at how he is called "Mighty God" and "Everlasting father" in the same line as the child born. If you still have doubts about Jesus being 100% God and not a junior God, I hope this clears your doubt. JESUS IS GOD and we celebrate Christmas because of Him and His love for us. God came down to die a sinners death for us and His birth was the beginning of the realities we now have in Christ.

Matthew 1:21‭-‬23 (NKJV) And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus , for He will save His people from their sins.” So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”

Jesus Christ was born so that we can all be saved from our sins. Our past, present and future sins ARE forgiven in Christ. When we stepped into Christ we recieved forgiveness of sins which is another reason we celebrate Christmas. If Christ was not born; he couldn't have died. A person that was never born can never die. There wouldn't have been a ransom worthy enough for the sacrifice and we're thankful that He was born. 

This verse talks about the fulfillment of what the prophet has said in the previous verse we looked at. And yet again, the details shows us that Jesus is God. Immanuel means "God with us" I.e Jesus who is God is with us humans here on earth.

I needed to do this post so we stay focused. It's not about Christmas clothes and etc, which I'm not saying they are bad things. I'm saying keep Christ at the Centre of your celebrations. Saying grace at the table before eating is great but there are many other ways to be Christ-centered during the holidays.

How can you put Christ at the Centre of Christmas?

  • Use this as an opportunity to evangelize to your unsaved loved ones.

 Let then know that God is not angry with them and He has paid the ultimate price for their life. The only thing they need to do is believe is Jesus who is the reason for the season. Santa Claus comes once a year but Jesus is able to live in their heart forever.

  • Have a worship session in your home. 

Use this season to sing songs of worship to God for how awesome He is. He decided to come and dwell amongst men because He loved us so much. He died a sinners death for us to live. Thank Him for this act and magnify His name.

  •  Give a christmas exhortation to your family.

Help them remember that your gathering is not without a purpose. Christ is the reason for the season. Tell them about how God is intentional about them and this is seen through the birth of Jesus. The truth that he factored in generations yet unborn into His master plan is mind blowing.

  • Ask everyone their favourite thing about Jesus and how they know Him. 

This will help put the focus on Christ since it's His "birthday" anyways and that's what you do at people's birthdays. 

  • Give to a charity or someone around you that is in need

You are buying presents already, you might as well give to someone that can't give you back. This aligns with Jesus's word to give to people that can't repay you because your motives are clear

I have been blessed putting this together and I hope you have been blessed as well.

Have a merry Christmas family and God bless you abundantly.

With love, 


How to stop comparing yourself with other people.

In this video, I discussed with Franklin Ezenwa about comparison. We touched on if comparison is a good or bad thing and how to stop comparing yourself with other people. Comparison is very innate in human beings but it can often lead to low self-esteem when it becomes unhealthy. I hope this conversation encourages you to stop comparing yourself to other people be it your role model or people in your circle. 

As you watch, be blessed.


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