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Think God, Think Big!

Think God, Think Big

by Toyosi Adegunle

Last week was Women's Weekend at my local church, and the Ministers spoke a lot about enlargement, expansion, and a mindset for growth. I was reminded of a lot of things and I started to think about how my dream job went from being a News Presenter at BBC to being a Communications Executive at any company, I asked myself "how did you get here?". Choice? Change of plans and interest? Maybe, but not exactly. It was largely due to fear. I love comms but how did I eventually scrap the BBC job in my mind and head and 'settled' for being a Comms Person? Couldn't I have pursued them both? 

I was afraid. I played small. I chickened out because I randomly think about the BBC as a really big deal, look at myself and say "no, you will never be able to get there. Who do you know? Are you even that good? Be realistic, pursue what you can get". Pooof! I forgot about it totally and stopped pursuing or dreaming about it. You may say, "oh, maybe your interests changed". My interests did not change, my mind played a fast one on me. 

There is a way that the world makes you think you can't dream about big things, or you're undeserving of beautiful and amazing things because you're a believer. I'm here to tell you that Jesus did beautiful and big things while he was on earth, so, why shouldn't you do them? Why can't you create big stuff? Has anyone miraculously turned water to wine again? Has anyone been able to take money from the mouth of a really big fish? Has anyone been able to gather over 5,000 men and women and speak to them without a microphone? Think of all the beautiful, and amazingly big things Jesus did on earth and what God caused men to do. You can do big things too. 

Remember when Jesus told Peter he could also walk on water, the moment Peter doubted, lost focus, and became afraid, at that moment, he lost the power and ability to do what Jesus did. 

Matthew 14:29-30 (NKJV) "So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”

Friends, be confident in God’s ability and power in and through you. If you ever become afraid, be like Peter, call to Jesus and ask for help. Funny how people mostly make this story of Peter and Jesus walking on water about fear only and not also about how he asked for help when he was sinking. Sinking is being afraid, forgetting who you are for a minute or two, doubting your capacity and power. Ask for help when you are sinking. 

Enlargement, expansion, growth should be the mindset of the believer. What made Solomon the wisest King, made Daniel an excellent man,  made Esther stand out, made Solomon the strongest man, made believers stand out in the world today? t is a growth mindset, belief in the power and capacity of God in and through them. 

I also remembered an idea I had some years back, and again, I thought about it, it looked really big and I concluded that I couldn't achieve it because, how would I? I have at different points of my life played small, and I won't even lie, it hurts sometimes, but God did not send me 😭😂. 

What your mind may tell you:

  • You can't do more than yourself
  • This is enough
  • You will never be able to do this
  • Expansion is a scam, be realistic 
  • You can't do miracles
  • It's okay to be average
  • Just do the one you can do and leave the rest.

Here is what the word says:

  • "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind." II Timothy 1:7 NKJV
  • I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 NKJV
  • Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23 NKJV
  • Now to Him who can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20 NKJV

Do you know what happens when you refuse to explore the fullness of the power of God in and through you? You reduce the chances of spreading the good news of the powers of God in believers. Start believing, think big, there is capacity, enlarge, expand and grow. I will be doing the same too. 

Share your testimonies and contributions with us in the comment section 🤗🎉

Note from the Editor

Hi family, I trust you're doing well. I want to sincerely thank everyone for the support and loved you showed me at the Beautifully Rooted in Christ conference. It means the world to me and I pray God will continue to bless and uplift you.

If you were unable to make it, here are the videos to play catch up.

Beautifully Rooted in Christ Conference day 1

Beautifully Rooted in Christ Conference day 2


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