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Is God in my struggles?

Is God in my struggles?

by Toyosi Adegunle

“Knock knock? Errr, are you still here cos’ I’m going through it and it really feels lonely and tough here. Has God forgotten me and my existence? Did I do anything wrong to deserve what I’m going through? Did I not pray well enough? Am I not serving well? Is it something I said or did?” These questions that we ask when we go through difficult times. These thoughts are never-ending and the most interesting part is that they are valid questions. God is a loving father and a great listener. It’s not a dictator-to-subject affair, he doesn’t love you any less if for a moment you doubt a lot of things because you're struggling.  

Remember Job? The good man in the bible? By human understanding, He didn’t deserve any of what we went through. Nobody actually ‘deserves’ to suffer at all. Job was said to be righteous, did things at the right time, had the right heart, was true, honest, blameless and full of honour. So, why Job? All he had fell and he was torn apart. People around him asked him to curse God and renounce his faith in God. If he did, we probably wouldn’t blame him as much, but he didn’t. I wonder, what manner of man is Job?

God is always with you - in good, bad and ugly times. Life can become increasingly overwhelming and unbearable sometimes and it gets harder to stay hopeful and focus on other things that matter and can fuel happiness and joy inside you but the truth is that in this world we'd always go through trials. No matter how small or big, everyone will at some point in their lives go through uncomfortable moments that will test everything they hold dear. Jesus said this in John 16:33, so it's not negative thinking. However, He encourages us to take heart because He has overcome the world for us. In midst of our sufferings, the love of God is there for us. God has not promised us a world without problems and issues no matter how tiny, he promised us strength and hope to get through when it gets tough.

John 16:33 (NKJV) “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Inside gist, in the last 10 months, I’ve had the most life-threatening and heartbreaking challenges than I’ve ever had in all my 20-something years combined. I honestly don’t think that I would be able to stand strong (at least to an extent) and ‘move on’ without the help of God. Twice between May 2021 and March 2022, I had the most awful life-threatening situations, I lost a loved one, my emotions, sanity and finances have been threatened times without number this year. I ask a lot of questions and one of them is, “should a 25-yr old be going through this many struggles? Isn’t it a little too much? Are you out for my blood? Does it get any easier?” Lol. In the last two months, every other day I wake up and go on about my day, I see that I’m a woman sustained by God’s strength. It can’t be me moving around, smiling, trying to be happy, still loving God and the things of God. It just has to be God.

I shared my story to say, no matter how tough it gets, always remember that God is in it with you, comforting you in ways that you don’t even know while you ask the many questions as they come to your mind, which is really good, as against, bottling emotions up. God is there when you have the best moments of your life, he’s also there in the worst moments. It is important to understand, and reinforce your belief and trust in God in the midst of struggles and also know that God, your father loves you way too much to leave you hanging.

Psalm 46: 1-3 (NKJV) “God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble. Therefore, will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. Though the waters thereof roar and be touched, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof”

Here are a few ways to reinforce your trust in God during difficult times:

       Stay with the word of God, even when it seems hard

       Rely on God with all your heart

       Pray with friends

   Keep a journal with a list of God’s promises received from the bible and directly and affirm them as many times as possible.

Share a tip or two with us below. How do you reinforce your trust in God when it gets tough?

S€xual Compatibility: What You Need to Know Before You Get Married

Check out the latest video on Bibi Babatunde-Ikotun's channel

In this video, I share how Christian couples can determine S€xual compatibility before they get married of course without the S€x. You don't have to engage in fornication before you can decide if there's a fit. Please these S€xual Compatibility questions are to be  discussed in public spaces preferably with trusted friends 

Wishing you an extremely satisfying sex life in your marriage that glorifies God.


  1. I love this post. Just had a huge bawling to God because I somehow feel alone. But this is a good reminder, He’s always with me, even when I don’t notice. Thank you Bibz, more grace.


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